Why, How and What
Fast-track those new in the pulp and paper industry, into the foundation theory and technology principles of the industry. The aims is to help engineers, scientists and technologists to optimize processes, equipment and products with respect to quality, efficiency and environmental impact.
This Fibre Preparation A course will expose you to i) basic morphological and chemical properties of fibrous raw material, and ii) basic pulp-processing operations.

Weighting of Marks (%)
Assignments   30
Lessons  0
Assessments ("Tests") 10
Main Written assessment             60


WP Nel, 2012, Management for Engineers, Technologists and Scientists. 3rd Edition. Juta & Company Ltd, Capetown.


The implementation of online assessments have seen a drastic increase in blatant contravention of examination rules and the Plagiarism Policy. This is an academic criminal offence and will not be tolerated within the Department & University.

If students is found guilty of transgressing these rules the Department of Chemical Engineering will implement disciplinary processes against the affected students. There are serious consequences to this, so ensure that you abide by all rules and policies of the University.