Welcome to TEXT STUDY 3B!

This is a second semester module, with Text Study 3A (TXSA301) as its pre-requisite. Students must complete and pass Text Study 3A in the first semester with a grade of 50% or higher, in order to qualify for this module.

The purpose of this module is to demonstrate an historical knowledge that supports an understanding of contemporary theatre literacy and how this is applied to theatre related terminology as a performer, director and critic of practical processes of production in order to comprehensively acknowledge the role of the past in the present.

In this Study Guide you will find pertinent information relating to Text Study 3B, including class themes, dates and times, assessment briefs and rubrics as well as other useful information related to our online library facilities, student support initiatives, plagiarism and referencing guidelines as well as recommended and relevant compulsory readings for this module.

As an intermediary module, Text Study 3B will challenge your reading, comprehension, analytical, and evaluation skills, while also extending and challenging notions of ‘text’ in performance studies.

This is a theory module and is delivered through weekly online lectures via MS Teams. Powerpoint presentations supplement the lectures, and there are also participatory tutorial sessions with the lecturer to guide students relationally. Assessment outputs include two written assignments that focus on critical thinking and analytical engagement.